
sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011

Improve your stop loss system - Stop Loss systems


Leave the match when you are -50 % is an option for a stop loss system. 

Recovery point

This is a subject that im still developing in my trading and studing but i think i can tell you the main idea. If you do a freestyle trading (different strategies at different times) its very benefic to search for your max point to recover your red. I'll give you one example. 

For example:
Imagine that you trade for a long time and you decide to improve your stop loss system(imagine its the "leave when -50%").
For every match you start to record the biggest red you had at some point of the match and the final result that can be the biggest red or some other result and the max red you can have for the match is -50 %.
Imagine that you trade one match and in the end of the first set you are with -30% and in the end of the second set you have -10%. You have to record these variables. - 30 % is the point of recover.
After one month(more time to study -> better) you will check your best point of recover, that is basically the last point where you will have a chance to recover and if your red raises above that limit you get out of the match. You can apply math to choose the best point. In the long run this will probably save a lot of money.
Just one idea that you can start applying.

three in a row

When you have three losing trades in a row leave the match. This system will save you a lot of money and help you to indentify unpredictable matches.

Compilation of possible routines for better trading


Sport (as long as you dont feel tired to trade)
Meditation - check the book (Relax,focus)
10 minute toughness System (focus, motivation)
Choose tennis matches (planning)
Create a trading plan for the matches (planning)

During trading 

Software (quicker actions)
ATP World tour livescores (stats)
"don't know how much money i have" (trade relaxed, changing focus to the process, not result)
"keep real money with you" (improve focus, defensive mindset..)
Water bottle
Keep Rules with you (guidance)

After trading

Meditation - check the book (Relax,focus)
Sleep 8 hours